Monthly Statistical Bulletin, July 2022

JULY 15 Mean monthly earnings of employees,, 2019 e 2020 Cities Functional Urban Areas 961 1 ,014 1 ,030 1 ,065 1 ,083 1 ,153 1,186 1,214 1,215 1,239 1,239 1,247 1, 255 1 ,257 1,273 1,286 1,350 1,408 1,589 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Paredes Guimarães Póvoa de Varzim Viseu Viana do Castelo Braga Coimbra Faro Funchal Ponta Delgada Sintra Setúbal Vila Franca de Xira Aveiro Porto Lisboa 2020 2019 € PORTUGAL City Total Non-cities total 1,002 1,030 1,052 1,064 1,143 1,147 1,148 1,149 1,153 1,155 1,184 1,242 1,247 1,302 1,366 1,500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Guimarães Póvoa de Varzim Viseu Braga Faro Ponta Delgada Coimbra Viana do Castelo Funchal Aveiro Porto Lisboa 2020 2019 € PORTUGAL Áreas mobilidade pendular FUA Total Non-FUAs total • Considering the FUAs, only employees working in Lisboa (€1,500) and Porto (€1,302) had mean monthly earnings above the national average; • The proportion of employees with tertiary education was highest in the functional urban areas of Lisboa (33.3%) and Porto (30.4%), the only ones with values above the average recorded for the total of territories included in the FUAs (29.8%); With values above the national average, the functional urban areas of Coimbra (26.9%), Aveiro (25.5%), and Braga (24.8%) also stand out; The functional urban areas of Ponta Delgada (15.3%) and Guimarães (14.6%) recorded the lowest values regarding this indicator; • The city and the FUAof Lisboa (€1,589 and €1,500, respectively) registeredmeanmonthly earnings above those benchmarks; • There were also marked differences between the 16 cities and the 12 FUAs, with mean monthly earnings being higher than in the country (apart from Lisboa, already mentioned) only in the following cities: Porto (€1,359), Aveiro (€1,286), Vila Franca de Xira (€1,273), Setúbal (€1,257), and Sintra (€1,255);